Request and Response

The Request Object

Every server call begins with a request. This library uses its own simple object to validate calls to the server. You will almost always create this like so:

$request = OAuth2\Request::createFromGlobals();

// call the OAuth server with it

Because this uses PHP Interfaces, we can easily extend it for the framework we are using:

// use HttpFoundation Requests instead, for Symfony / Twig / Laravel 4 / Drupal 8 / etc!
$symfony_request = Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request::createFromGlobals();
$request = OAuth2\HttpFoundationBridge\Request::createFromRequest($symfony_request)

// call the OAuth server with it

The Response Object

The response object serves the purpose of making your server OAuth2 compliant. It will set the appropriate status codes, headers, and response body for a valid or invalid oauth request. To use it as it’s simplest level, just send the output and exit:

$request = OAuth2\Request::createFromGlobals();
$response = new OAuth2\Response();

// will set headers, status code, and json response appropriately for success or failure
$server->grantAccessToken($request, $response);

The response object can also be used to customize output. Below, if the request is NOT valid, the error is sent to the browser:

if (!$token = $server->grantAccessToken($request, $response)) {
echo sprintf('Your token is %s!!', $token);

This will populate the appropriate error headers, and return a json error response. If you do not want to send a JSON response, the response object can be used to display the information in any other format:

if (!$token = $server->grantAccessToken($request, $response)) {
    $parameters = $response->getParameters();
    // format as XML
    header("HTTP/1.1 " . $response->getStatusCode());
    header("Content-Type: text/xml");
    echo "<error><name>".$parameters['error']."</name><message>".$parameters['error_description']."</message></error>";

This is very useful when working in a framework or existing codebase, where this library will not have full control of the response.

See the HttpFoundation Bridge library for plugging your request/response into frameworks using the HttpFoundation library.

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