

The Implicit grant type is similar to the Authorization Code grant type in that it is used to request access to protected resources on behalf of another user (i.e. a 3rd party). It is optimized for public clients, such as those implemented in javascript or on mobile devices, where client credentials cannot be stored.

Read more about implicit

Use Cases


When your server is created, simply configure the server to allow the implicit grant type

// create a storage object for your server
$storage = new OAuth2\Storage\Pdo(array('dsn' => 'mysql:dbname=my_oauth2_db;host=localhost', 'username' => 'root', 'password' => ''));

// create the server, and configure it to allow implicit
$server = new OAuth2\Server($storage, array(
    'allow_implicit' => true,

This allows the Authorize Controller to return an access token directly from a request to the server’s authorize endpoint.

Example Request

When using the Implicit grant type, tokens are retrieved using the Authorize Controller. The client specifies the grant type by setting the querystring parameter response_type=token in the OAuth server’s `authorize’ endpoint.

First, redirect the user to the following URL:


A successful token request will be returned in the fragment of the URL:



See the implicit grant type demo

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